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Wood plasts

The use of Wood plasts composite

The use of Plast wood composite has been used in the United States since 1900. This product has unique features against similar products in the field of building facades, which encourages designers to use this product as much as possible.

This product is a combination of recycled plastic and wood powder and polymers are mixed together at a temperature higher than the melting temperature. Due to its plasticity, many wooden facade problems are not observed in this product.

Plast wood has been introduced as an environmentally friendly product due to the lower consumption of natural wood and the use of recycled plastics, and due to the lower consumption of wood in it compared to thermowood, the product is cost-effective.

woodplasts is not able to absorb water due to its plasticity and therefore does not have biological problems of wood (problems such as water absorption, bacterial and microbial absorption, heat corrosion, etc.). Plast wood has a scratch-resistant and non-slip surface, which is a useful product and can be used on wet floors.  Due to thermowood maintenance costs and annual maintenance, this product does not need maintenance

Van Wood is a manufacturer of all kinds of plastic profiles

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The use of Wood plasts composite

The use of Wood plasts composite